Adding Request



  1. On the “Home” screen choose an eligible day and a daypart (Morning or Afternoon)
  2. On the “Daypart” screen click on the plus button {icon} in the lower right corner. Select Request ride button. You will go to the “Create Ride Request” screen.

Pick-up Time


  1. On the “Create Ride Request” screen select pick-up time. You can choose between exact time or time range.
  2. Select Exact time option to be picked-up by driver at the exact time point, e.g. 7:00 AM.
  3. Select Time range option to be picked-up by driver in the time interval, e.g. from 7:00 AM to 8:05 AM. In this case driver will set exact time for you after accepting your request.

Note: After accepting, your request will change its status to offer of accepted driver.

Pick-up Point or Area


  1. On the “Create Ride Request” screen set a pick-up location. You can choose between exact pick-up point and pick-up area (or few points).
  2. Select Exact pick-up point option for single small location, e.g. commuter lot, parking, public transport station, streets/roads intersection, or exact address.
  3. Select Pick-up area or a few points option for large or a few locations, e.g. several addresses, part of town.
  4. Indicate the location in the text field making it clear for other users.

Home and Work Locations Visibility

Creating the ride request you must select both “Home Locations Visibility” and “Work Locations Visibility”. It is used for visibility targeting of your ride. It means that your request will be shown to users who select those Home and Work areas as their locations.

Note: “Home Locations Visibility” and “Work Locations Visibility” have different order in the ride details list on Morning request and Afternoon request screens:

  1. For ride direction from home (pick-up) to work (drop-off) (commonly Morning request): firstly “Home Locations Visibility” (under “Pick-up Point or Area”), then “Work Locations Visibility” (under “Drop-off Point or Area”).
  2. For ride direction from work (pick-up) to home (drop-off) (commonly Afternoon request): firstly “Work Locations Visibility” (under “Pick-up Point or Area”), then “Home Locations Visibility” (under “Drop-off Point or Area”).

To check, edit or add your “Home” and “Work Locations Visibility” click map to go to the “Home Locations Visibility’ screen or “Work Locations Visibility” screen.

Drop-off Point or Area


  1. On the “Create Ride Request” screen set a drop-off location. You can choose between exact pick-up point and pick-up area (or few points).
  2. Select Exact pick-up point option for single small location, e.g. commuter lot, parking, public transport station, streets/roads intersection, or exact address.
  3. Select Pick-up area or a few points option for large or a few locations, e.g. several addresses, part of town.
  4. Indicate the location in the text field making it clear for other users.


On the “Create Ride Request” screen in the ‘Note’ field type a note about ride if you need.